Diet in pancreatitis is a key factor in successful treatment, so adherence to dietary restrictions allows you to live a full life and reduce the chances of relapse.
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreatic tissue, accompanied by impaired secretion of digestive enzymes, severe pain, changes in stools and vomiting. This causes a pathological metabolic disorder and can lead to the development of diabetes. The main causes of pancreatitis are overeating, abuse of fatty foods and alcohol.
It is necessary to follow a diet for a long time in pancreatitis. In the case of acute inflammation, the diet should be limited to 6-9 months, and in chronic pancreatitis, diets should be followed for several years or a lifetime.
Power properties

Dietary regimens for pancreatitis depend on whether the inflammation is acute or chronic. Doctors note the positive effects of diet on pancreatitis. This allows to quickly overcome acute inflammation, avoid complications and prolong the remission period of the chronic process.
Diet features:
- Within 2-3 days after an acute attack of pancreatitis, you should completely give up food. So the cashier is given a rest. Therapeutic fasting involves the use of fluids in the form of non-carbonated alkaline mineral water, lightly brewed tea or rosehip infusion, one glass 5-6 times a day.
- On the fourth day after the start of therapeutic fasting, solid foods are gradually added to the diet. These are usually low-calorie, salt-free meals that gradually increase the secretion of gastric juice.
- In pancreatitis, cooking is important. Steam cooking is recommended, as the food prepared in it retains all the necessary ingredients and does not harm the digestive tract.
- Food should not be chilled or hot, the optimal temperature is close to body temperature. In this case, the food should be grated or semi-liquid.
- Diet in pancreatitis limits even the consumption of dietary foods. They eat small portions at least five times a day.
The following foods are excluded from the diet:

- greasy;
- fried;
- spicy sauces and condiments;
- acid juices;
- canned foods, pickles;
- smoked meat;
- confectionery;
- cocoa, chocolate;
- alcohol.
The energy value of such food should be 2500 kcal.
The disadvantage of such a diet is the acute shortage of raw plant food. Some components need to be compensated with complex vitamins and supplements.
Diet for acute pancreatitis
Diet in the treatment of pancreatitis is an integral part of therapy. During an exacerbation, the attack is accompanied by severe stomach pain and loss of appetite, so the first days of medical starvation do not cause the patient any suffering.
In addition, low-calorie diets are gradually being included in the diet. These can be dried uncooked bread, berry drinks and jelly, viscous decoctions of oatmeal and rice, liquid mashed potatoes without oil. It is currently recommended to exclude products that contribute to gas formation.
On days 6-7, protein dishes are gradually eaten: steamed meat, mashed potatoes or puddings made from vegetables, and a steamed protein omelette.
It should be noted that dietary restrictions need to be followed for a long time. For 6-9 months, you must strictly follow its rules and monitor your diet daily.
The course of the disease may have certain characteristics, so the gastroenterologist and dietitian are engaged in the appointment of the diet. Specialists in this profile determine what can be eaten on a pancreatitis diet for each individual patient, taking into account comorbidities.
When the acute period of illness subsides, you can significantly diversify your menu with simple and healthy products. It should be noted that the number of meals should be at least four, and the volume of liquid consumed - about 1. 5 liters per day.
Example menu:
- Breakfast: semolina (rice) porridge cooked in water; Apple; lightly brewed green tea with one tablespoon of honey.
- Second breakfast: steamed chicken breast cutlets; carrot puree; decoction of rosehip berries.
- Lunch: vegetable broth with beef or fish; mashed potatoes; white bread toasts; fried apple without skin.
- Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese; green tea with a spoonful of honey.
- Dinner>: Steamed protein omelette from three chicken eggs; mashed potatoes from diet vegetables; white bread toasts.
- At bedtime: sour milk.
Following a diet significantly improves the symptoms and treatment of pancreatitis. Such a diet saves the pancreas and gradually normalizes its work. The patient's well-being will depend on how strictly he follows his diet. Any eating disorder is immediately reflected in digestive activity.
Diet for chronic pancreatitis
Chronic pancreatitis usually develops against the background of an acute condition, but can also occur as a primary disease when it is a complication of other diseases.
Diet and treatment of pancreatitis are two inseparable concepts. Even during remission, dietary recommendations should be followed.
Diet rules for chronic pancreatitis:
- The amount of calories in your food during this period should be in proportion to your daily physical activity.
- Much attention is paid to the amount of protein in the diet. Turkey, chicken, rabbit, beef, lean pork and fish are allowed.
- Meals of lamb, fatty pork, goose, duck and game should not be included in the diet.
- Food heat treatment does not allow baking, baking in the oven, stewing. Food must be cooked in a double boiler or cooked.
- Cheese, previously banned during the exacerbation phase, is now allowed in small quantities, but it is advisable to replace the milk with fermented milk products.
- The diet should include vegetable proteins consisting of grains and yesterday’s bread, while it should be borne in mind that legumes should be completely excluded from the diet for pancreatitis.
- The total carbohydrate content must not exceed 350 g per day. They are found in pasta, grains, honey, canned food and syrups.
Approximate diet menu for chronic pancreatitis:
- Breakfast: boiled rabbit; rice pudding.
- Brunch: low-fat cottage cheese; apples baked without honey.
- Lunch: buckwheat soup; cooked or steamed fish with vegetables; dried fruit compote.
- Afternoon snack: steamed cutlets with vegetable sauce.
- Dinner: veal, unsweetened curd pudding; weak tea.
- Before bed: kefir.
The food is partial and in small portions. Food should be served warm approximately every three hours.
Salt and spices increase the secretion of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract and should be kept to a minimum. In addition, acidic, smoked foods, pastries and sour cream, as well as chocolate, have a similar effect. Sweet foods can cause complications such as diabetes, which reduces their intake by 90 percent.